Zoomed-in Analysis

Analyze a specific range of a graph.

Zoomed-in analysis of a single chart

You can further analyze a chart in depth for a custom range to your needs.

Open in a view mode

  1. On the chart you’d like to analyze, click the "box" icon

  2. Drag select a specific range you’d like to analyze

  3. To unselect: click outside the selected area to deselect the selection

  4. To extend or reduce the range selection: drag right and left the icon to extend

  5. Once the range has been selected, right click and select Zoom analysis this range

Analysis comparison between multiple charts

Ability to do the same analysis as single zoomed-in analysis but can compare between multiple charts.

  1. On the chart you’d like to analyze, click the box icon

  2. Drag select a specific range you’d like to analyze

  • To unselect: click outside the selected area to deselect the selection

  • To extend or reduce the range selection: drag right and left the icon to extend

  • Once the range has been selected, right click and select Zoom and compare this range

A zoom analysis popup will show up

Zoomed-in analysis works in case types of chart are: Line chart, mix chart and bar chart, as well as, X scale = datetime

Last updated